Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

The definition of occupational health and safety can be given as the whole of the planned work in order to protect from adverse conditions arising at the workplaces, during the job or for the work done, due to various reasons that may harm the worker health, work, workplace or environment. Various diseases, accidents, unemployment and so on. There are many risks. The most important issues are; occupational accidents and occupational diseases directly damage health.

Transport and storage according to the eb Regulation on Heavy and Dangerous Jobs ları and İşler List of Hazard Classes Regarding Occupational Health and Safety ”published by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security; heavy and dangerous work.

As ORION Shipping Agency Inc. ; In order to protect employees’ health and satisfaction as well as our corporate policies and corporate identity, we take care to ensure that all personnel working in transportation and storage processes are informed about ve Occupational Health and Safety Practices gerek.

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